D.o.B. 09.10.2012 at 3:40pm


1 day - 179g


1 week - 292g



2 weeks, 473g



3 weeks - 647g



4 weeks - 783g



5 weeks - 975g



6 weeks - 1002g



7 weeks - 1173g




8 weeks - 1385g - still available





9 weeks - 21cm - 1687g


10 weeks :-)




11 weeks - 2120g - 24cm




WOW, WOW, WOW there is one word to describe Jocker "CRACY" lol I am only joking. Jocker is the smalles in the litter but he surly does not know about it. He is very very aktive and playful, he loves to adventure and has a very big self-confidence. He surly knows what he wants but he knows even better what he DOES NOT WANT. Luckely this boy is very foodmotivated and is happy to work for a bit of cheese lol He feels very safe as long as he can see me and lovs to come back to me when I call him but it does happen, that we walk a different way due to him being a little adventurer. Walking close to me or even heal seems quite impossible for him at the monent lol its more like a DANCE. He is very happy and wants to see everything at once but he surly knows that he has a safe place at my side, bless him. Jocker would also do great in Agility or other dogsport. I am not very sure if he is the right dog for a firts-time dogowner as he NEEDS a perfect leader who not only trains him and lovs him but who also shows him clearly the limits. He reminds me so very much of our Puppy Cassy and therefor I am happy to say, that, once Jocker has been through a very good puppytraining he surly will grow into an amazing Dog - inteligent, aktive, playful, friendly but yet easy-going and faithful and sooooo very cute. Its gone be hard to find HIS perfect family but it will be even harder to let him go :-/




15 weeks, 27cm




Here are a few new Photos of our little boy. He stands at 30.5cm at 4 months.




Little Jocker, he is 5 months and 12"




Jocker has been to the town today and I am so very proud of him. He done very well. He stayed almost always behind me, did not panict but rather stoped and looked at new things to see what they are, he has been friendly to everything and everyone and he even offerd me a "sit" :-) I have added 2 videos. You can see that he walks on a quite long lead, but eventhought that he knows his place, he still needs his own space and he for sure does not like to be pulled on the lead. A nother reason for the long lead is, that I can hardly see him when we walk and therefore I dont know when he stops to have a look at something - it would be a very negative experinace for little Jocker if he gets pulled as soon as he stops. I give my Puppies all the time they need to get familiar to a new situation, they are all allowed to stop and look. I know that it does take more time to get from A to B but as the Puppies learn that everything is okey, that they are safe and that the busy town is just a normal part of their life they will soon turn into nice, friendly and comfortable dogs which are a joy to take out and about :-D The time we give them now is the time we are safe in their future life due to extra and double training. 



Jocker at 6 months. He stands at 13"/33cm

 after his bath and blowdry - little fully monster :-D     



Today I am feeling very sad but also very happy at the same time :-/ My dear sweet boy Jocker has finaly found his family. I have tried to spend as much time as possible with him today and it was a wonderful day but the joy and fun which this boy has brought to me did not eased the pain I felt as I saw his family leaving with him. To spend all the time with my Puppies, to train them, to raise them and to show them the world creates such a strong bound between the Puppy and me that I always start to think why am I doing this? But then I see the happy family, I see Jayden who has turned into a very happy and confident youngster, I see how the boys play with each other and that they still like each other - maybe even recognized each other - and then I remember again why I go through all of this :-) Its for all the joy, fun and love which my Dogs and my Puppies give to me and their families - they touch you with their little paw but will look right into your hreats.

I am so happy that little Jocker is now living with his brother Jayden xxx



